
In just 5 weeks, you'll work online with our Master media coach & facilitator, Carmina Becerra.

You'll refine your pitch delivery, gain confidence, and learn how to move your audience in ways you never thought possible.

Dates: July 3rd, 2023  

Schedule: Every Monday, 9 am PST, 12 pm EST, 10 am México and 6 pm Barcelona, Spain

What you can expect:

Week 1: Introduction to Enrollment

We'll start by teaching you the fundamentals of enrollment, including how to tap into your audience's emotions and the power of storytelling. Warning: you may become dangerously good at getting people to say "yes" to just about anything.

Week 2: Crafting Your Story

In week two, we'll dive deep into crafting your story. You'll learn how to develop a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience, highlights your unique value proposition, and makes them want to be your best friend.

Week 3-4: Feedback and Refinement

During weeks three and four, you'll present your pitch to the group and receive valuable feedback. We'll work with you to refine your delivery based on your strengths and weaknesses, and help you develop a message so powerful, your audience will practically be throwing money at you.

Week 5: Final Practice and Enrollment Mastery

In the final week, we'll put it all together and help you become an enrollment master. You'll practice your pitch in a supportive environment, and we'll provide you with tools and techniques to help you become a more persuasive and hilarious communicator.

At the end of the program, you'll have the skills and confidence you need to deliver a pitch that not only sells your product or service, but also makes your audience laugh, cry, and do whatever you want. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your pitching skills to the next level.

Enroll now and let's get started!


Whether you’re closing a business deal or leading a team, right now how you appear on video matters more than ever.

What to Expect:

  • 75 minutes of prompts, guidance and exercises curated for you

  • Feedback from peers and from master coach Carmina Becerra

  • Wonderful people with big hearts

  • Come away with new ways to feel powerful and authentic on video calls

  • Learn leadership skills that translate to a digital world